
We have investigated thousands of structural failure cases ranging from sub-ground foundations to roof system failures.

Catastrophes caused by fires, snow loads, earthquakes, tsunamis, storm surges, floods, hail storms, thunderstorms, superstorms, derechos, tornadoes, and hurricanes.

Catastrophes also caused by design, construction and operational errors as well as material related defects.

We also have provided the repair protocols for mitigating the damaged structures and facilities.

We have actively designed, built, and developed hundreds of residential dwellings and light commercial facilities.

We have designed and provided quality assurance for thirty public and institution projects including roadways and bridges as well as traffic systems and operations.

This long track record and diverse experience enables us to perform any assignments pertaining to any category and magnitude of structural failures.

Our multi-disciplined professional engineers and builders are actively involved in our assignments.

They perform investigations, analysis and reporting based on the highest standard of practice in every case relating to structural, mechanical, and electrical failure.


They analyze components and systems that are related to fire cause and origin.

No stones or fibers are left unturned or discovered through their macro- and micro-lenses.

We perform quality assurance for construction projects.

We perform destructive testing and partner with a qualified laboratory to conduct materials testing.

We are ready to certify as a U.S. Small Business Administration’s 8(a) Business Development Program. We are ready to partner with firms to respond to large-scale natural disasters and failures including earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. We stand by to serve our nation in a time of need.

Our Experts are on Duty to Respond to Your Needs 24/7
Your request will be responded to within 4 hours or call 1 (844) 809-7943